Category: R

R oder Python

Data Science Einsteiger stehen immer wieder vor der gleichen Frage: Welche Programmiersprache sollte man als Erstes lernen? Die Wahl fällt meistens auf eine der beiden großen Anbieter, R oder Python....continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1094]

A rather blah number Le Monde mathematical puzzle: Find all integer multiples of 11111 with exactly one occurrence of each decimal digit.. Which I solved by brute force, by looking...continue reading.

Binning with Weights

After working on the MOB package, I received requests from multiple users if I can write a binning function that takes the weighting scheme into consideration. It is a legitimate...continue reading.

FizzBuzz in R and Python

In this post, we will solve a simple problem (called “FizzBuzz”) that is asked by some employers in data scientist job interviews. The question seeks to ascertain the applicant’s familiarity...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1092]

A Latin square Le Monde mathematical puzzle that I found rather dreary: A hidden 3×3 board contains all numbers from 1 to 9. Anselm wants to guess the board and...continue reading.

Batch Processing of Monotonic Binning

In my GitHub repository (, multiple R functions have been developed to implement the monotonic binning by using either iterative discretization or isotonic regression. With these functions, we can run...continue reading.