Category: R News

googlesheets4 0.2.0

We’re ecstatic to announce the release of googlesheets4 0.2.0 on CRAN: googlesheets4 is a package to work with Google Sheets from R. Although version 0.1.0 debuted on CRAN in...continue reading.

tinytest 1.2.0 is on CRAN

tinytest is a relatively new, light-weight (no-dependency) but full-featured unit testing framework for R. It is currently used by 60+ packages, including the famous Rcpp package. The latest version of...continue reading.

R Data Exploration: covid-19

This tutorial is part of a series of R tutorials analyzing covid-19 data. For parts 1 and 2, see the following posts: Covid19 analysis, part 3: initial data...continue reading.