Category: Programming

lintools 0.1.3 is on CRAN

Version 0.1.3 of the lintools package was accepted on CRAN today. This version brings a few internal improvements and switches the testing suite to the tinytest test infrastructure. lintools is...continue reading.

Here is Your Data

It’s a common situation: you want to code and debug in R *and* leverage RMarkdown for a presentation or document. The challenge: file paths. Executing code in the console and from within...continue reading.

Make your package spherical

Larger packages typically consist of functions that are visible to the users (exported functions) and functions that are used by the exported functions, but that are invisible to the user....continue reading.

FizzBuzz in R and Python

In this post, we will solve a simple problem (called “FizzBuzz”) that is asked by some employers in data scientist job interviews. The question seeks to ascertain the applicant’s familiarity...continue reading.

gower 0.2.0 is on CRAN

A new version of R package gower has just been released on CRAN. Thanks to our new contributor David Turner who was kind enough to provide a pull request, gower...continue reading.