Author: R Views

An R Community Public Library

If you haven’t recently visited, RStudio’s free site for publishing books written with the bookdown R package, you many be amazed at what is available. Currently, there are over...continue reading.

FDA and the Dynamics of Curves

An elegant application of Functional Data Analysis is to model longitudinal data as a curve and then study the curve’s dynamics. For example, in pharmacokinetics and other medical studies analyzing...continue reading.

R / Medicine 2021

R/Medicine 2021, the premier conference for the use of R in clinical applications is less than two weeks away! This conference reflects the increasing importance of data science, computational statistics...continue reading.

R Views Call for Documentation

We at R Views believe that the R ecosystem, centered around CRAN and Bioconductor, is the world’s largest open repository of statistical knowledge. R packages provide implementations and examples for...continue reading.

Summer Conferences!

Summer is here, but it is not too late sign up for some summer conferences. The following short list promises interesting speakers, a wide range of topics and plenty of...continue reading.

Functional PCA with R

In two previous posts, Introduction to Functional Data Analysis with R and Basic FDA Descriptive Statistics with R, I began looking into FDA from a beginners perspective. In this post,...continue reading.

R for Public Health

The COVID19 pandemic has raised the profile of public health workers at all levels from the nurses and doctors working on the front lines at our hospitals, to high level...continue reading.