Author: R Views

R is for actuaRies

Dr Maria Prokofieva is a member of the R / Business working group which is promoting the use of R in accounting, auditing, and actuarial work. She is also a...continue reading.

Frank’s R Workflow

Frank Harrell’s new eBook, R Workflow, which aims to: “to foster best practices in reproducible data documentation and manipulation, statistical analysis, graphics, and reporting” is an ambitious document that is...continue reading.

Skimming #rstats on Twitter

Even when filtering by the relatively sober #rstats hashtag, I find twitter to be the stream of consciousness of an undisciplined collective mind: disjoint and ephemeral. Nevertheless, on any given...continue reading.

Data Challenges for R Users

Today, I want to write about “data challenges”, where participants partake in a series of prompts designed for a variety of skill sets and levels. These challenges are opportunities to...continue reading.

Wordle Data Analysis

Arthur Holtz is a Senior FP&A Manager at Shipt, but don’t let the title mislead you — he spends most of his days buried in databases and R, analyzing data....continue reading.