Monthly Archive: May 2018

Tips for Ellipse Summary Plot

I privately had some questions and reply here, because it may also help others including me. 1. How to specify size With plot axis parameters. > ellipseplot(iris[,c(‘Species’, ‘Sepal.Length’)], iris[,c(‘Species’, ‘Sepal.Width’)],...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1045]

An minor arithmetic Le Monde mathematical puzzle: Take a sequence of 16  integers with 4 digits each, separated by 2,  such that it contains a perfect square and its sum...continue reading.

Scientific debt

A very useful concept in software engineering is technical debt. Technical debt occurs when engineers choose a quick but suboptimal solution to a problem, or don’t spend time to build...continue reading.

leaflet 2.0.0

leaflet 2.0.0 is now on CRAN! The leaflet R package wraps the Leaflet.js JavaScript library, and this release of the R package marks a major upgrade from the outdated Leaflet.js...continue reading.