Monthly Archive: September 2017

tidytext 0.1.4

I am pleased to announce that tidytext 0.1.4 is now on CRAN! This release of our package for text mining using tidy data principles has an excellent collection of delightfulness...continue reading.

Going, going, … 2

Em vários posts este mês, destaquei um novo versão do curso de estatística que oferecemos em São Paulo sobre estatística. É um curso inicial que usa R como a ferramenta...continue reading.

New Package GetITRData

Downloading Quarterly Financial Reports from Bovespa – Financial statements of companies traded at B3 (formerly Bovespa), the Brazilian stock exchange, are available in its website. Accessing the data for a...continue reading.

Granular Monotonic Binning in SAS

In the post (, it is shown how to do a finer monotonic binning with isotonic regression in R. Below is a SAS macro implementing the monotonic binning with the...continue reading.