Monthly Archive: March 2017

FSelectorRcpp on CRAN

FSelectorRcpp – Rcpp (free of Java/Weka) implementation of FSelector entropy-based feature selection algorithms with a sparse matrix support, has finally arrived on CRAN after a year of development. It is...continue reading.

vroom 1.1.0

I’m excited to announce that vroom 1.1.0 is now available on CRAN! vroom reads rectangular data, such as comma separated (csv), tab separated (tsv) or fixed width files (fwf) into...continue reading.

Tidyverse packages

Installation and use Install all the packages in the tidyverse by running install.packages("tidyverse"). Run library(tidyverse) to load the core tidyverse and make it available in your current R session. Learn...continue reading.

R packages for data science

The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures. Install the complete tidyverse with: install.packages("tidyverse")continue reading.